Studio Policies
Tuition and Fees: /usercontent/file/Class%20Tuition%20and%20Registration%20Fee.docx.pdf

Dance, music, and theater classes are educational and fun, however, an important part of class work is developing an attitude of discipline and respect for teachers and fellow students. We trust that following our classroom etiquette will provide an environment whereby classes at MusicWorks will be a pleasure for all concerned.
COVID-19 Safety Policy
Studio Communication
- All communication is sent via email; please keep a current email address on file in the office.
- Special events and announcements are posted on our Facebook page
- The school year will consist of 36 weeks of classes held over a 9 and a half month period.
- A student may join at any time from August through January if there is space available.
- The studio will be closed for major holidays and school vacations.
Classroom Policies
Please note the following guidelines regarding all classes:
- We request that students carefully observe our dress code outlined in their handbook.
- Any student arriving more than 15 minutes late will not be admitted to class. For your safety and to receive full benefit from your class, please arrange for a make-up class if you expect to be very late.
- Cell phones, tablets, and other technology devices must stay in the student’s dance bag or at the instructor’s station during class time. Each instructor has the authority to ask that any device be placed at his/her instruction station if a student has the device out during class time. It is the owner’s responsibility to collect the device from the instructor at dismissal time. MusicWorks is not responsible for the safety and well-being of any technology device.
- All students are encouraged not to leave the room once class has begun. Please allow for appropriate restroom use prior to class. Very young children will be treated sensitively as the need arises. Preschool children may need a parent’s attention from time to time for various reasons including bathroom or behavior issues. Please do not leave the waiting room when very young children are in class without informing the office or having another parent responsible during your absence. We make every effort to have all children feel safe and cared for in a loving and inspiring learning environment.
- School age children and teens: Please practice respect. Students are not to be socializing in a disruptive manner during the class with other students. Please come early or stay late to enjoy friends in the waiting area. Please honor your teacher and fellow students by giving full attention and cooperation. You will be advised if we feel any student is not well adjusted to the classroom environment for any reason over time.
- During class if a student complains of being ill, or sustains an injury and cannot participate, the instructor will send them to the office where the parents will be notified if not on the premises.
- Only students with a pre-existing sickness/injury are allowed to observe class. The parents must notify the office if a student is to observe class.
- Out of town guests may request to visit at any time throughout the year. Please contact the MW office prior to the visit to receive permission for the guest to observe class. No one else is allowed to sit and watch during regular class time.
Absences & Make-up Classes
Students may make up any class missed in any appropriate class of their choice at any time within the school year. Please call the office to schedule make-up classes. Credit will not be given for missed classes due to illness, snow days, or personal vacations.
Inclement Weather Policy
MusicWorks will follow the determination of the Haywood County School System and will be closed when school is out due to inclement weather. If the road and weather conditions improve throughout the day, we may reverse our decision and hold classes for the day. Students will be notified only if we reverse our decision! Students and parents will be notified via email, Face Book and on the MusicWorks website by 12:00 pm. If you do not receive email at your home or work place, please be sure you check FB and the website for weather-related updates.
Please call the studio (828-565-0381) and the answering machine will have a recorded message that will announce early studio closings in case of inclement weather.
Studio closings will be posted on our website, and when possible, you will receive an email and/or text message.
In the event of multiple cancellations, group make-up classes will be scheduled. No credit will be given for snow cancellations; however, students are always welcome to take make-up classes for any missed class at their regular times.
Annual Dance Recital
Our 2025 dance recital will be held at 3:00 PM on Sat., June 7, 2025. The recital will be held at Bardo Fine Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University.
Participation in the recital is optional; however, we do encourage all students to take advantage of this wonderful performing experience. If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to talk with a staff member or a former parent or student! We also have video recordings or past productions that we can play for you to review.
Spring recital costume measurements will be taken in November and costume orders will be placed in before Christmas break. Costume costs average between $60-$90 depending on the size required.

Tuition Schedule
We operate on a 4-week session system. Tuition payments are made at the beginning of each of each session. A tuition calendar is given to each student during the second full class week of the semester.
Payments & Balances
- Payments may be made by check, cash, or credit card.
- When making a payment by check, please include the dancer’s first and last name/s in the memo of your check, so we may credit the proper account.
- The returned check fee is $25
- You will not be receiving a statement from our office for your monthly tuition. You may check your account online at any time.
- Any account unpaid 5 days after tuition payment is due will have late charges assessed for 10% of the total monthly tuition.
- If at any time you would like a printed statement of your account you may request one.
- Overdue balances only: a statement will be mailed and/or emailed for amount due with late charges assessed.
- Any student with an overdue balance of more than 45 days will not be allowed into class until payment in full is received or payment arrangements have been made.
- If for any reason you decide to discontinue your classes, you are not obligated to pay for the balance of the school year, however you will be responsible for any balance due.
Refunds & Credits
- Registration Fees are non-refundable.
- Credit will not be given for missed classes due to illness, snow days, or personal commitments. You are welcome to make-up any class missed.
- MusicWorks! reserves the right to cancel any class with insufficient registration and a full refund will be given.
- When student sustains an injury that does not permit them to participate over an extended period of time, a credit or refund will be issued.
- If a very young student is not ready to participate in a class after several visits, a refund for of tuition for any unused classes will be given.